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Well, the essence of the service is right there in its name. An audio spot is a combination of the voice of a professional announcer, music, and background sounds to tell the others about your services or offers. Audio advertising works perfectly in shopping centers, airports, supermarkets, and delivers your messages to radio listeners relaxing at home or driving a car.


Vasyl Hotsko

languages: Ukrainian, English

00:00 / 00:52
00:00 / 00:39

Max Haponiuk

languages: Ukrainian

00:00 / 02:34

Serhiy Khrushch

languages: Ukrainian

00:00 / 02:34

Roman Romanyuk

languages: Ukrainian

00:00 / 01:41

Mykhailo Pavlenty

languages: Ukrainian

00:00 / 00:09

Ksenia Kichak

languages: Ukrainian

00:00 / 00:57
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